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Consequence Modelling Results

Consequence Button
Consequence Button

SAIPH requires consequence modelling data for jet fires, pool fires, flammable dispersion and toxic dispersion as applicable for the project being considered. Congested explosions are calculated using the multi-energy model based on the flammable dispersion data for LFL.

The consequences screen allows the addition, deletion, reordering or copying of consequences within the project.

A new consequence can be created by copying another consequence which can be useful if a lot of the data is similar and requires minor modification.

The consequence screen allows the specification of the fluid which is used in the multi-energy model and for defining the vulnerability.

The consequence modelling results screens allow for data to be added.

Moving from the consequences screen to show underlying flammable dispersion consequence results for different weathers and hole sizes
Moving from the consequences screen to show underlying flammable dispersion consequence results for different weathers and hole sizes

Data can be pasted from the clipboard which can be useful when copying data from Excel.

For the fires and dispersion results the high data must be smaller than the medium data and the medium data must be smaller than the low data. This allows for nesting of the hazard ellipses,

Any data entered can be “verified” to ensure that the hazard distances are nested appropriately. Values which are not valid are set to a negative number and highlighted in red.

Saving data will set all invalid values to zero

Data can be pasted into SAIPH, for example, from Excel. The order in which the weather conditions and hole size distribution can be changed to allow easy alignment with the calculated consequence modelling results.
Consequences with zero length or width are not calculated during a SAIPH run. This allows for different hole size distributions for different consequences. For example, if the largest holesize for two different isolatable inventories differs then data can be added for the appropriate hole size and setting the other to zero.
Congested explosions are not calculated if the flammable mass is set to zero. This can be useful if the fluid is toxic and not flammable where explosion regions are present in the project.
Advisory Note
The screens for all consequence modelling results have a “Save Changes” button which flashes when changes are made. This must be clicked to ensure the data is saved. If not, then moving to another screen means the data will be lost.
Advisory Note
If data is saved it will be verified first and any erroneous values set to zero. Therefore, for significant modifications it is recommended that the data is verified first prior to saving. Verification of the data does not save the data. Data must be saved prior to leaving the screen.
In the dispersion consequences the “Flammable Mass” refers to the flammable mass in the dispersed cloud.