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Fatality Factors

Fatality factors can be defined for different scenarios. The fatality factor data is used to determine the vulnerability to people for different fluids. It is noted that fatality factor is synonymous with vulnerability in SAIPH.

An outside fatality factor is included as a default.

Additional fatality factors can be added which can be assigned to different fluids.

Setting vulnerabilities to zero will result in no harm and therefore no associated risk. This can be useful for specially constructed buildings which are designed to withstand specific hazard criteria.

High vulnerabilities must have a larger value than medium vulnerabilities which must in turn be higher than low vulnerabilities.

Fatality factors can be added, deleted, renamed or reordered.

The thermal radiation, flammable dispersion and toxic dispersion vulnerabilities can be relabelled by editing the respective headers to ensure they are applicable to the SAIPH project.
Advisory Note
Adding, deleting, renaming or reordering fatality factors updates the fluids immediately. Fluid fatality factor is automatically reallocated when deleting fatality factors and should be checked for applicability. Therefore, it is recommended defining the fatality factors first before adding the fluids.
Advisory Note