SAIPH Knowledge Base

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Frequency Modelling Results

Frequencies Button
Frequencies Button

SAIPH requires frequency modelling data to be added for the project being considered.

The frequencies screen allows the addition, deletion, reordering or copying of frequencies within the project.

A new frequency can be created by copying another frequency which can be useful if a lot of the data is similar and requires minor modification.

The frequency modelling result screen allows for data to be added. Data can be pasted from the clipboard which can be useful when copying data from Excel.

Data can be pasted into SAIPH, for example, from Excel. The order of the hole size distribution can be changed to allow easy alignment with the calculated consequence modelling results.
Frequencies with zero values not calculated during a SAIPH run.
Advisory Note
The screens for all consequence modelling results have a “Save Changes” button which flashes when changes are made. This must be clicked to ensure the data is saved. If not, then moving to another screen means the data will be lost.
Advisory Note