SAIPH Knowledge Base

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Saving a Project

Save Project Button
Save Project Button
Save Project Button with notification
Save Project Button with notification

SAIPH does not have an autosave feature, however, projects can be saved in SAIPH at any point. Click the Save Project button to save the SAIPH file. SAIPH will save the project in the same location as where it was opened or where the image file was loaded if it is the first save. The saved location can be navigated to a specific directory if required.

SAIPH will highlight when the project is required to be saved by showing a red dot on the save button. The red dot appears any time a change is made to the inputs, notes, graphing or contouring setup or when a run has been performed.
Advisory Note
Changes made by the user are not automatically saved. It is recommended that projects are saved at regular intervals to ensure that no work is lost.
Advisory Note